Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Insult Game (NSFW)

Here's to an hour well spent. The insult game between me and my friend.

(8:45:13 PM) Me: Dum de dum dum.
(8:45:58 PM) Him: Poo ball.
(8:46:08 PM) Me: Nubcock.
(8:46:42 PM) Him: Wankhard.
(8:46:46 PM) Me: Assface,
(8:47:04 PM) Him: Cum inhaler.
(8:47:33 PM) Me: Bellybomb.
(8:47:50 PM) Him: Anus swabber.
(8:48:13 PM) Me: Noodle groomer.
(8:48:23 PM) Him: Toe jam sampler.
(8:48:43 PM) Me: Wankernibbler.
(8:48:54 PM) Him: Pube twirler.
(8:49:20 PM) Me: Worm burger.
(8:49:31 PM) Him: Armpit slurper.
(8:50:06 PM) Me: Beard hair herder.
(8:50:20 PM) Him: Sperm repository developer.
(8:50:41 PM) Me: Pig snout thrower.
(8:50:49 PM) Him: Butt jelly producer.
(8:51:16 PM) Me: Knee cap masturbator.
(8:51:26 PM) Him: Snot ball collector.
(8:51:56 PM) Me: Hamster patty with a side of tree stump.
(8:52:16 PM) Him: Ass cheek fillet.
(8:52:31 PM) Me: Horse highlighter.
(8:52:43 PM) Him: Robot penis inspector.
(8:52:59 PM) Me: Manual fire hotness tester.
(8:53:23 PM) Him: Automatic ball juice taster.
(8:53:36 PM) Me: Doggie bag sniffer.
(8:53:54 PM) Him: Ass rocket absorption specialist.
(8:54:24 PM) Me: Lightbulb grower.
(8:54:45 PM) Him: Fluorescent bulb sniffer.
(8:55:29 PM) Me: Moth entrail inspector.
(8:55:39 PM) Him: Finger-ass inserter.
(8:56:25 PM) Me: Flatulence pitch analyser.
(8:56:50 PM) Him: Astronaut cum bubble circumference scholar.
(8:57:13 PM) Me: Waddledoodle.
(8:57:35 PM) Him: WHANNYWHANNYWHOOPANG patent non-holder.
(8:58:14 PM) Me: Moose horn aphrodisiac seller.
(8:58:34 PM) Him: Train / penis similarity analyst.
(8:58:48 PM) Me: Mirman seeker.
(8:59:00 PM) Him: Mushroom dung distributor.
(8:59:47 PM) Me: Self contained, independent, penis shaped, hot air balloon launcher.
(9:00:09 PM) Him: Non-self-contained aerosol fart can.
(9:00:25 PM) Me: Poison checker.
(9:00:39 PM) Him: Cloud drifter.
(9:01:08 PM) Me: Ferret poop modeler.
(9:01:23 PM) Him: Dung heap sampler trainee.
(9:02:01 PM) Me: Substitute English teacher.
(9:02:11 PM) Him: Anal absorption expert.
(9:02:31 PM) Me: Sperm bank stall cleaner.
(9:02:39 PM) Him: Mouse ball thief.
(9:03:12 PM) Me: Crash test dummy.
(9:03:21 PM) Him: Spam masturbation fiend.
(9:04:07 PM) Me: Green bean placebo specialist.
(9:04:14 PM) Him: Perl-coding wannabe.
(9:05:13 PM) Me: Maggot sandwich with cheese.
(9:05:21 PM) Him: Money salivating lizard.
(9:06:08 PM) Me: Pillow cum checker at motel 6.
(9:06:21 PM) Him: Account assimilation and penile erection specialist.
(9:07:19 PM) Me: Complex Freudian hallucination.
(9:07:36 PM) Him: Check writing ferret-monkey.
(9:08:27 PM) Me: Pre-chewed dog food. (for those dogs who've lost their teeth)
(9:08:45 PM) Him: Phallic icon creation personnel.
(9:09:27 PM) Me: Pimple juice broiler.
(9:09:43 PM) Him: Dildo testing enthusiast.
(9:10:18 PM) Me: Nearsighted gynecologist.
(9:10:29 PM) Him: Squirrel fearing ass clown.
(9:10:52 PM) Me: Shit collecting hula dancer.
(9:11:04 PM) Him: Plastic humping evil hole.
(9:11:36 PM) Me: Cow anal diameter regulator.
(9:11:51 PM) Him: Inbox porn inspector.
(9:12:34 PM) Me: Fly guts digester.
(9:12:39 PM) Him: Sticker licker
(9:13:02 PM) Me: Scab eating fart factory.
(9:13:11 PM) Him: T-shirt art rapist.
(9:13:40 PM) Me: Paper cup enthusiast
(9:13:56 PM) Him: Soda can sperm depositer.
(9:14:25 PM) Me: Child molesting beer belly popper.
(9:14:31 PM) Him: Napkin gobbler.
(9:14:38 PM) Me: Darkness eater.
(9:14:46 PM) Him: Monitor wankage man.
(9:14:58 PM) Me: Sound wave contortionist.
(9:15:13 PM) Him: Pixel pipeline penis insertion engineer.
(9:15:43 PM) Me: Fios thief.
(9:15:55 PM) Him: Gay sex scientist.
(9:16:14 PM) Me: Two headed ant.
(9:16:29 PM) Him: Hyperlink-rape encoding programmer.
(9:17:03 PM) Me: Hair follicle photographer.
(9:17:11 PM) Him: Limp dick stimulator.
(9:17:40 PM) Me: Anal implant keeper-inner.
(9:17:55 PM) Him: Gay man's fashion designer.
(9:18:14 PM) Me: Amoeba porn specialist.
(9:18:25 PM) Him: Spit evaporation timer.
(9:19:05 PM) Me: Teddy bear show-me-where-he-touched-you questioner.
(9:19:18 PM) Him: Graphic content warning loser.
(9:19:48 PM) Me: Dried pasta muncher.
(9:19:59 PM) Him: Secret tree hole humper.
(9:20:24 PM) Me: Cat claw extraction assistant.
(9:20:33 PM) Him: Dog anus widener.
(9:20:44 PM) Me: Alligator dentist.
(9:20:56 PM) Him: Statusbar scrutinizer.
(9:21:06 PM) Me: Bat urine targeting device!
(9:21:27 PM) Him: Encryption newb scolder.
(9:22:20 PM) Me: Mathematical theorem checker and re-checker.
(9:22:29 PM) Him: Crotch barber.
(9:23:04 PM) Me: Bobcat chauffeur.
(9:23:08 PM) Him: Pie slinger.
(9:23:21 PM) Me: Mechanical bull lubricator.
(9:23:32 PM) Him: Android sex lover.
(9:23:41 PM) Me: Coffin recycler.
(9:24:01 PM) Him: Computer port humping specialist.
(9:24:16 PM) Me: Used condom salesman.
(9:24:23 PM) Him: Boiling pot watcher.
(9:24:36 PM) Me: Time stitcher.
(9:24:52 PM) Him: Anal water-suck inventor.
(9:25:43 PM) Me: Super guaranteed-to-fit-all-your-eggs basket.
(9:25:53 PM) Him: Tether ball cock converter.
(9:26:39 PM) Me: Penile growth examiner.
(9:26:48 PM) Him: Penis suit tailor.
(9:27:36 PM) Me: Female "ship" pilot and captain.
(9:27:49 PM) Him: Flashlight / anus marriage preacher.
(9:28:11 PM) Me: Cargo can imploder.
(9:28:19 PM) Him: Microsoft employee.
(9:29:04 PM) Me: Monkey/horse crossbreed creator.
(9:29:16 PM) Him: Anus SCUBA system engineer.
(9:29:43 PM) Me: Candle wax dildo user.
(9:30:03 PM) Him: Follicle trimming butt monkey.
(9:30:41 PM) Me: Kaleidoscope turning timer maker.
(9:30:51 PM) Him: Poo flinging floating sloth.
(9:31:41 PM) Me: Inner earth orbit oxygen checker.
(9:31:57 PM) Him: Cold temperature distributor.
(9:32:21 PM) Me: Microscopic fruit enlarger.
(9:32:32 PM) Him: Ugly face artist.
(9:33:11 PM) Me: T-Rex ejaculator.
(9:33:17 PM) Him: Sperm watcher.
(9:33:49 PM) Me: Whale frequency counter.
(9:34:03 PM) Him: Water bottle humper.
(9:34:27 PM) Me: Iceberg lettuce inbreeder.
(9:34:39 PM) Him: Space suit masturbation tester.
(9:35:03 PM) Me: Anal taste checker for the porn stars.
(9:35:21 PM) Him: Gay compatibility census taker.
(9:35:54 PM) Me: Microbiology viral advertiser.
(9:36:04 PM) Him: Refried bean hole maker.
(9:36:29 PM) Me: Ice melter.
(9:36:38 PM) Him: List merging sun starer.
(9:37:08 PM) Me: Sexual slang recorder.
(9:37:18 PM) Him: Fecal matter cleanser.
(9:37:35 PM) Me: Anal probe.
(9:37:49 PM) Him: Keyboard sperm removal specialist.
(9:38:04 PM) Me: Goat sex downloader.
(9:38:10 PM) Him: Ass hair puller.
(9:38:29 PM) Me: Creationist.
(9:38:34 PM) Him: Drive bay killer.
(9:38:54 PM) Me: Bag pipe fornicator.
(9:39:03 PM) Him: VHS rewinder.
(9:39:13 PM) Me: Octopus sketch artist.
(9:39:21 PM) Him: Manual bull penis stiffener.
(9:39:41 PM) Me: Penny melter.
(9:39:51 PM) Him: "..." lover.
(9:40:30 PM) Me: Insult creator who spends so much time doing it he misses out on more salvaging.
(9:40:48 PM) Him: Ass hole lubricator (I am win.)

Friday, June 20, 2008

Isn't little emo me so cute? Isn't he? Please? :(

I wish I could count to ten//
Make everything be wonderful again//


P.S. I know the song has a totally different meaning, but that particular part is a nice thought.