Saturday, March 25, 2006


So, last night I slept next to a thirteen year old female. Well.... maybe slept isn't the right word. You see, she wasn't wearing any clothes (unless you count the two things around her neck), and she felt the need to touch every inch of her body. That wasn't the problem, though. The problem was, she did it with her tongue. Naturally, with her moving into the positions required for such an act, she kept me awake until eleven. At that point, she got up and went somewhere else to sleep.

Around eight, she came back. She went through the same routeine as before, thuroughly waking me up. When she finished, she decided to go to sleep. Right on top of my blankets. I wasn't about to fall back asleep any time soon after, so I got up and left, trying hard not to wake her.

P.S. To those who don't know her, I'll post a picture tomorrow.
P.P.S. To those who don't know, my girlfriend is sixteen. ;)

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Those Bastards

Today after school the people from the teen center came again. They haven't come for a month. Exactly. Now, I didn't know they were coming. I gave up on them when they didn't show up for two weeks. So after school, I decided not to go straight to the bus stop. The bus wasn't there anyway, so why wait with the crowd? I instead went to my Chem. class. Earlier in that class he showed us a reaction of Aluminum + Iron (III) oxide --> Iron + Aluminum oxide. He had the aluminum and iron oxide in a small pot above a larger one along with a welding spike. He lit the spike and the reaction took place. It burned through the upper pot, and the liquid hot iron fell into the pot below. I thought it was so interesting, I decided I would ask him for it while waiting for my bus. I got a piece of it and went to the bus stop. After a second's observation, I noticed that the people from the teen center had come and gone, without giving me anything. I convinced somebody that they didn't really need one, and had him give it to me. It's better than nothing, but I hope they come sometime when I'm around next time. I've been giving away too many of them. I only have one of each of the different items that I decided I'd save.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


So, today I went to the dentist. You know, one of those routine check-ups where the clean your teeth? I had been actually brushing my teeth for a week or two before today, just to make it look good. I like this dentist, they have a pad on the chair for a relaxing massage. It's cool. But it's only to make up for the world of pain that's about to be unleashed. So, she did her normal high intensity water pick thing that used to hurt like a bitch and make my gums bleed, But since I had been prepping them with my awesome brushing, it barely hurt and afaik my gums didn't bleed. But these dentists are from hell! If at first he doesn't bleed and scream for pain, try, try again. So, now my gums hurt like a bitch, and I've been told to "floss more". Maybe in five months (a month before my next appointment). :P

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Happy Birthday

Today is my birthday...

After midnight, a couple of people recognized that fact. One of them being Nichole, of course. Shortly after, I went to bed. When I finally woke up, I decided to sit in bed with my eyes closed a little longer. My mom started telling my brothers to sort their laundry, but when she opened my door and saw me "asleep" she closed it without saying anything. That was nice.

Then I got up, sorted my laundry and went to watch whatever was on T.V at the time. I think it was Spiderman 2. Anyway, after only a short while, my mom went out to plant the plants we got yesterday. The cat was bitching at us to go outside (she hasn't been out in 5 months), so my mom took her out on a leash. Then Spice (my cat), decided she didn't want to stay in the area where my mom was digging. So my mom called me to deal with her. On my freaken birthday, I had to deal with the cat. I wasn't even dressed.

Spice, it seams, didn't want to be out anymore so I let her go inside. Then, I don't quite know how but, I ended up helping with the planting. So, one thing led to another, and I also ended up digging. What a pain in my ass. While I'm digging, of course, my dad walks up and says something stupid. "Stop playing" he says. I was already pissed, but that made it worse. Especially since he won't admit he's wrong. Even after I explained that what I was doing is how you're supposed to get around rocky soil.

So I finished my planting around three. Got a shower. And got dressed again. After sitting down for maybe five minutes, I'm told to do my chores. I wouldn't have minded so much it's just that... How the day was going, along with my dad... Anyway, I start sweeping the floor in the kitchen, as is in the job description. My dad wouldn't leave the door closed. I close it so people don't walk in or otherwise bother me while I'm doing my sweeping, and he kept opening it. Then, after I was done with that, I had to sweep the entryway. My dad added that to my job a few weeks ago. As I finished that, he told me to sweep the whole hallway. By the time I get out of this house, I'll be moping every piece of floor that doesn't have carpet. Grrr.

I sit down again, watching some movie I think. Not five minutes later, my dad decides he wants to remodel the family room. I had to move all of the books off of this one book case, and put them back on once it was moved. All the while, he was complaining that I wasn't doing something right.

My mom is pretty cool though. When she asked me to set up something for dinner, she said I didn't have to if I didn't want. I did it anyway. What's one more thing, eh? Then, shortly after, we had dinner. Game hens. Such a pain to eat. To make it worse, when I flipped mine over to better reach the thigh joint, my dad made a joke about me "flipping the bird". What I wouldn't give to actually be able to do that.

My mom's the only one who tried to make it a good day. It still sucked though.

Oh yah. Nichole, I love you more than my birthday.

Thursday, March 16, 2006


I have a strong suspision my Mew is gay...

Wild SPEAROW appeared!
Go! MEW!

MEW used POUND (on it's ass)!
MEW's ATTACK fell!

MEW used POUND (harder)!
Enemy SPEAROW fainted!

MEW gained 98 EXP. Points!

MEW grew to level 20!


Sunday, March 12, 2006


Yesterday sucked so bad.... And not just yesterday.... Since about 8:00 on Friday. Around that time the access point (AP) I most commonly use for internet died on me. I was then forced to use the backup AP. Unfortunately, this AP sucks ass. I loose half my pings and can't stay connected for more than five minutes. On top of that, I had to go out to eat with my family instead of being able to talk to Nichole. Twice even! The first time I was especially pissed. I was like six fucking miles from Nichole. Six! And yet I wouldn't have been able to see her even if I'd asked. It is a nice place though. Great burgers. Anyway. I got home only to find my network still acting up. Such a pain in the ass. I went to work on the blanket I've been trying to finish for like six years now and to watch a movie. Luck would have it, I ran out of yarn. By that time we had to go to dinner. Even though we had reservations we still had to wait :45 to get seated. SOBs. Overbooking. The food wasn't too bad... Their menu sucked ass though. So, I got home, worked on some laundry to earn an extra two bucks, and finish the movie I started before dinner. By the time I got back to my computer it was like 10:00. And of course, my client had been trying to get me to click something for three hours. For some reason it needs you to tell it to keep trying to connect to the network. I could build a better client, if I knew how. By the time I had enough pings to connect to AIM, Nichole was offline. I got a message from one of her friends from her, but it kinda made me sad that I missed her. I tried to ask when she left, but my network died again. *sigh* And now that I get on to type this blog, I have 0% packet loss. But as soon as I connect to AIM or try to read more of this comic, It'll go to 100% packet loss. I hate wireless.

Saturday, March 04, 2006


Here's a log I found of me and Nichole before we started going out... It is so deja vous.

[December 22, 2005]
[02:12 PM and 58s] xx3nvyxx42: Hello.
[02:13 PM and 27s] Turelie Ramaloke: hello
[02:14 PM and 51s] Turelie Ramaloke: GOD THATS STUPID MOTHER FUCKER
[02:14 PM and 58s] * Turelie Ramaloke cries
[02:15 PM and 09s] xx3nvyxx42: Don't cry.
[02:15 PM and 41s] Turelie Ramaloke: i am crying
[02:15 PM and 55s] xx3nvyxx42: Well stop it.
[02:18 PM and 07s] Turelie Ramaloke: i can't help it
[02:18 PM and 24s] xx3nvyxx42: Yes you can.
[02:23 PM and 03s] Turelie Ramaloke: son of a bitch
[02:23 PM and 31s] xx3nvyxx42: I'd love to help you, but.....
[02:29 PM and 52s] Turelie Ramaloke: i hate my friends
[02:30 PM and 05s] xx3nvyxx42: Me included?
[02:30 PM and 24s] Turelie Ramaloke: no
[02:30 PM and 30s] Turelie Ramaloke: i havn't even gotten dressed yet
[02:30 PM and 36s] Turelie Ramaloke: i'm still crying
[02:30 PM and 37s] Turelie Ramaloke: god damnit
[02:31 PM and 20s] xx3nvyxx42: :(
[02:31 PM and 38s] Turelie Ramaloke: i hate my friends so much
[02:32 PM and 27s] xx3nvyxx42: :(
[02:32 PM and 34s] Turelie Ramaloke: they dont even care about me
[02:33 PM and 13s] xx3nvyxx42: *sigh*
[02:33 PM and 40s] Turelie Ramaloke: they're all selfish bitches
[02:33 PM and 43s] Turelie Ramaloke: thats why i like boys better
[02:33 PM and 51s] Turelie Ramaloke: they won't stab you in the back for no reason
[02:34 PM and 08s] xx3nvyxx42: You sure?
[02:34 PM and 17s] Turelie Ramaloke: none have to me so far
[02:35 PM and 06s] xx3nvyxx42: So?
[02:36 PM and 06s] Turelie Ramaloke: its more points to them
[02:36 PM and 31s] Turelie Ramaloke: i've been stabbed in the back so many times i'm surprised i'm not dead
[02:37 PM and 22s] xx3nvyxx42: That's because, though you are stabed in the back, it is only a flesh wound. :P
[02:37 PM and 35s] Turelie Ramaloke: i don't get over it
[02:37 PM and 39s] Turelie Ramaloke: it still stings
[02:37 PM and 48s] Turelie Ramaloke: even after a month, three, a year
[02:38 PM and 44s] xx3nvyxx42: But it doesn not blead.
[02:38 PM and 51s] Turelie Ramaloke: it still hurts
[02:39 PM and 26s] xx3nvyxx42: Pain can be removed.
[02:41 PM and 32s] Turelie Ramaloke: maybe
[02:41 PM and 51s] Turelie Ramaloke: it'll still bother me and leave nasty scars
[02:42 PM and 01s] Turelie Ramaloke: it won't make me into a very pretty person
[02:42 PM and 10s] xx3nvyxx42: Pretty to me.
[02:42 PM and 29s] Turelie Ramaloke: even with the scars?
[02:42 PM and 41s] xx3nvyxx42: Even with scars.
[02:42 PM and 43s] Turelie Ramaloke: most people won't
[02:42 PM and 45s] Turelie Ramaloke: *wouldn't
[02:42 PM and 52s] xx3nvyxx42: I'm not most people.
[02:42 PM and 58s] xx3nvyxx42: :P

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


You have been forced through the red door...
It slams shut and locked behind you...

You find yourself in a wasteland. The only food is poison and the only drink is acid. It is dark, but occasionally the stars will shine bright enough for you to see your hands. Months go by as you struggle to survive. The stars finally reveal a path. As you take this path the wasteland around you turns to a garden. You see more and more light as you continue forward.

You find yourself in a room. There is a red door leading back towards the wasteland and a green door leading further into the garden.

You ignore the warning on the green door and proceed.
It shuts and locks behind you.

As you continue on a new stretch of garden, you see more exotic plants and the best of foods. It's hard to imagine that what looked so bad from far away, look so good up close.

You find yourself in another room. You feel a pain between your shoulders as if somebody stuck a knife there. You can't help feeling this might be what the warning was all about. In this room there are two doors, again. One red and one green. You decide that though you experienced this situation upon entering, you still prefer the green door's promise of a more wonderful garden.

You choose the green door.
It shuts and locks behind you.

The path you are now on is similar to the previous. There are a few new plants and foods, but nothing really eye-catching. The old plants are seen more often, though, and you notice it still continues to get better the further you go. You hurry forward and....

You find yourself in another room. The all too familiar stabbing sensation greets you on the way in. The same two doors, red and green, await your choice.

Which do you choose?