Monday, March 26, 2007


It is cute and cuddly and very nice. I want to pet it and I do. And I like to pet it but I can't always. So it goes to others to be petted and holded. I keep petting and holding it and it stops leaving, for the most part. I can't see it or pet it or hold it anymore. I am always busy. It doesn't like it and then it bites me. But I still want to pet it and hold it and everything else. I am afraid it will bite me again if I get that close. I wonder if it would be better with somebody else who could pet it and hold it all the time. I don't want it to leave but that might be best. If it does it shouldn't come to me when it isn't being petted and holded all it wants. But it might and then I would have to try very hard not to pet it and hold it and everything else. Even though I want to. If it doesn't then I will have to make very sure that I will not be bitted again. Otherwise what's the use of peting and holding a few more times just to lose a finger. That would not be good and I will have to be careful if that's what happens.


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